Rating limits
Each of the previous indicators is calculated for each of the company’s departments. To evaluate the technical performance and compare the companies in a fair manner, each indicator value is compared with the weighted average of the values of the same indicator for all the departments of all distribution companies of the same nature (urban or rural) and the same range of electrical capacity. The administration that achieved the best indicator value is determined and this value is the so-called best practice.
As shown in the figure, the region between best performance and weighted average is divided into three regions (A, B, C), A indicates excellent, B indicates good, C indicates acceptable. Beyond the weighted average, it is divided into two regions (D, E), D indicates weak, E indicates very weak. Each department takes a score for each indicator from A to E depending on the region in which the indicator's value is located.
The values of indicators for the departments in each company are also compared to previous years to measure the extent of performance development.
In the graph Weighted mean standard deviation